
800 x 600

"800 x 600 is the small resolution that we still use nowadays. it fit on the old CRT and did not look so bad in LCD"

what does it mean? just i don't want something that too "unreachable" this year and not too easy enough to cough.

here we goes, 2009 resolution 800 x 600 :

1. 90% attending classes and better than 2,67- because it's already bye bye 3,5 and 2,67 is my highest, and by that i mean i enter the class myself and understand the subject

2. pray more, do less - too much works made me forgot to pray
somehow, maybe that's why i never did a perfect one

3. bye bye porn - want to stop this as soon as possible, haha

4. more movies! - there will be at least five movies of "copyright autistneverdie" on 2009

5. soft lens - i just want to, wonder how it would feel like

6. having her as my girlfriend - if i could, life partner. and by the way, who is this"her"?

7. come home more often - i always get this workaholic session
overboard, so i hope i could just rest more, even not at my home

seven, maybe that's enough...

hope that this resolution fits for me!

happy new year 2009!


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